p5-Class-DBI-SQLite | Extension to Class::DBI for sqlite | |
p5-Class-DBI-Sweet | Extra sweet features for Class::DBI | |
p5-collectd | Statistics collection daemon - perl plugin | |
p5-Config-YAML | Simple configuration automation | |
p5-Crypt-CAST5 | Perl5 CAST5 block cipher implementation | |
p5-Crypt-Serpent | Serpent block cipher encryption module for perl | |
p5-Dancer-Plugin-Database | Easy database connections for Dancer applications | |
p5-Dancer-Plugin-Database-Core | Shared core for D1 and D2 Database plugins | |
p5-Data-DPath | DPath is not XPath! | |
p5-Data-DPath-Validator | Validate data based on template data | |
p5-Data-Properties | Perl version of Java's java.util.Properties | |
p5-Data-Types | Validate and convert data types | |
p5-DBD-Sybase | Perl DBI/DBD driver for Sybase/MS-SQL databases | |
p5-DBIx-Class-ResultSet-RecursiveUpdate | Like update_or_create - but recursive | |
p5-DBIx-Easy | Easy to Use DBI interface | |
p5-Devel-Profiler | Perl profiler compatible with dprofpp | |
p5-Egg-Plugin-Crypt-CBC | Crypt::CBC for Egg Plugin. | |
p5-Email-AddressParser | RFC 2822 Address Parsing and Creation | |
p5-Encode-Arabic | Perl5 implementation for Arabic encodings | |
p5-Encode-compat | Encode.pm emulation layer | |
p5-Encode-IMAPUTF7 | Modified UTF7 encoding (for IMAP) | |
p5-Exception-Base | Exception::Base | |
p5-Exception-Class-TryCatch | Syntactic try/catch sugar for use with Exception::Class | |
p5-Exporter-Tidy | Alternative way of exporting symbols in perl | |
p5-FCGI-Daemon | Perl-aware Fast CGI daemon for use with nginx web server | |
p5-FFI-Platypus | Write Perl bindings to non-Perl libraries with FFI | |
p5-File-Map | Memory mapping made simple and safe | |
p5-Frontier-RPC | Perl module to handle client/server xmlrpc | |
p5-Getopt-GUI-Long | Wrapper around Getopt::Long | |
p5-Google-API-Client | Perl module for accessing Google APIs | |
p5-GPS-Garmin | GPS::Garmin access module for Perl | |
p5-Hash-AsObject | Treat hashes as objects, with arbitrary accessors/mutators | |
p5-HTML-Formatter | Format HTML as plaintext | |
p5-HTML-GenerateUtil | Routines useful when generating HTML output | |
p5-HTML-Latex | Perl5 module for converting HTML to LaTeX | |
p5-HTML-TagCloud | Generate An HTML Tag Cloud | |
p5-HTML-WebMake | WebMake is a simple web site management system | |
p5-HTML-Widget | HTML Widget And Validation Framework | |
p5-HTTP-BrowserDetect | Detect browser, version, OS from UserAgent | |
p5-HTTP-Exception | Throw HTTP-Errors as Exceptions | |
p5-HTTP-Request-StreamingUpload | Streaming upload wrapper for HTTP::Request | |
p5-Image-EXIF | Perl extension for exif library | |
p5-Imager | Perl module for manipulating gray, color, and RGBA format images | |
p5-IO-Lambda | Non-blocking I/O in lambda style | |
p5-IO-Socket-Socks | Create SOCKS v4/v5 client or server | |
p5-IPC-Open3-Simple | Simple alternative to IPC::Open3 | |
p5-Iterator | A general-purpose iterator class | |
p5-Iterator-Util | Essential utilities for the Iterator class | |
p5-JSON-WebToken | JSON Web Token (JWT) implementation for Perl | |
p5-KyotoCabinet | Perl binding for Kyoto Cabinet | |
p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-No | Stemmer for Norwegian | |
p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-Se | Stemmer for Swedish | |
p5-Lingua-StopWords | Lingua::StopWords - Stop words for several languages | |
p5-Lingua-Translate | Translate text from one language to another | |
p5-LWP-Protocol-socks | Adds support for SOCKS to p5-libwww | |
p5-Mail-DMARC-PurePerl | Perl implementation of DMARC | |
p5-MasonX-Apache2Handler | Perl-based Apache handler for Apache2 with Mason | |
p5-Math-Business | Technical Analysis: Simple Moving Average | |
p5-Math-Business-SMA | Technical Analysis: Simple Moving Average | |
p5-Math-FixedPrecision | Perl module that provides decimal math without floating point errors | |
p5-Math-Gauss | Perl module for Gaussian probability distribution | |
p5-Maypole | Maypole - MVC web application framework | |
p5-MediaWiki-API | Perl interface to the MediaWiki API | |
p5-Metadata | Perl classes for simple metadata | |
p5-mha4mysql-manager | Master High Availability Manager and tools for MySQL | |
p5-mha4mysql-node | Master High Availability Manager and tools for MySQL | |
p5-MKDoc-XML | Suite of low level XML processing modules | |
p5-MMapDB | Simple database in shared memory | |
p5-Module-Pluggable-Fast | Fast plugins with instantiation | |
p5-Module-Pluggable-Ordered | Call module plugins in a specified order | |
p5-Module-Starter-Plugin-CGIApp | Template based module starter for CGI apps | |
p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-Authenticate | Authentication plugin for the Mojolicious framework | |
p5-MojoX-Log-Log4perl-Tiny | Minimalistic Log4perl adapter for Mojolicious | |
p5-MongoDB | Mongo Driver for Perl | |
p5-MooseX-Iterator | Iterate over collections | |
p5-MooseX-Role-BuildInstanceOf | Less Boilerplate when you need lots of Instances | |
p5-mozldap | Mozilla implementation of LDAP support libraries for Perl | |
p5-Net-DBus-GLib | Perl extension for the DBus GLib bindings | |
p5-Net-Delicious | OOP for the del.icio.us API | |
p5-Net-IP-Match-Regexp | Efficiently match IP addresses against ranges | |
p5-Net-PcapUtils | Utility routines for Net::Pcap module | |
p5-Net-SenderBase | Query the senderbase.org service | |
p5-Net-SMS-Clickatell | Access to Clickatell SMS messaging service | |
p5-Net-Syslog | Extension for sending syslog messages directly to a remote syslogd | |
p5-Net-Twitter-Lite | Perl interface to the Twitter API (lite) | |
p5-Net-UPnP | Perl extension for UPnP | |
p5-Net-Whois-RIPE | Implementation of RIPE Whois | |
p5-News-Newsrc | Perl module to manage newsrc files | |
p5-NNTPClient | Perl 5 module to talk to NNTP (RFC977) server | |
p5-ODF-lpOD | OpenDocument management interface | |
p5-OptArgs | Extended processing of command line options | |
p5-OSSP-uuid | OSSP uuid Perl binding | |
p5-Packager-Utils | Support packagers managing packages and upstream mapping | |
p5-PDL | PDL turns perl in to a free, array-oriented, numerical language | |
p5-Perl-Unsafe-Signals | Enable unsafe signal delivery for short periods of time | |
p5-PerlIO-Layers | Querying your filehandle's capabilities | |
p5-Petal | Perl Template Attribute Language | |
p5-Plucene | Perl port of the Java Lucene search engine | |
p5-Plucene-Plugin-Analyzer-SnowballAnalyzer | Stemmed analyzer plugin for p5-Plucene search engine | |
p5-PluceneSimple | Perl interface to Plucene | |
mk | Subfolder |